How to Get a Free Baby in Kim Kardashian Hollywood Game

It feels weird playing this game, I got to tell you that straight off. But on the weird-o-meter, nothing beats the weirdness of this posts title. Yeah, we're actually making a guide on how to get a free baby in Kim Kardashian Hollywood Game for you guys.
If you're playing this game you know that it was recently made possible to have a baby. Yeah, it's possible to have your own two dimensional bundle of joy. Yay! Most of you have probably started making necessary preparations, I know I did.
I've set up a nursery in every one of my lux manors and mentally prepared myself for the responsibilities of parenthood. Everything was going well until I realized just how expensive this experience actually is.
Yes, we know that having a baby is both time and money consuming but in case of Kim Kardashian Hollywood, simply having time and money wont cut it. You'll need stars as well. A total of one hundred and sixty of them to be exact if you're to adopt a baby.
At this point, I was relieved that I have that access to that Kim Kardashian Hollywood online hack that has no survey. It really helps a lot especially if you're like me and consider everything above $0 to be too much to spend on this game. Easy...

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